“Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, came out from the Philistine ranks. Then David heard him shout his usual taunt to the army of Israel.” (1 Samuel 17:23 NLT)
Do you know the enemy has a “usual taunt?” In the book of Revelation, he’s also called the “accuser of the brethren”. He uses his taunts and accusations to bully you, lie, and steal from you. The enemy sets out to ultimately get you off track from the Father’s path and direction he has planned for your life.
So why do you think the enemy keeps saying the same thing over and over? It’s because we let what he’s been saying work. Here are a few examples… He tells you things like “you’re unworthy, undeserving” or maybe you’ve heard “If you were really a child of God, you wouldn’t have done that?” Or maybe you’ve heard something like, “You’ve run out of grace. ” Whatever he’s said you can be sure that it’ll be shame-based, condemning, joy-killing, and life-stealing. We need to Remember that Jesus said that he (satan) is the father/originator of all lies. Knowing that alone should cheer us all up and bring joy to our soul. Why? Well, if the enemy is a liar and he’s telling you that you are unworthy, then the truth is — you are worthy. If he’s telling you, you’re out of Grace and Jesus will never forgive you then you know the truth is the exact opposite! Whatever he’s been whispering in your ear, know that the opposite is true! God’s amazing flip side is found in Titus 1:2; where it says that it’s impossible for God to lie. Since that’s the case, when you hear that God loves you unconditionally, then you can rest assured that His love for you has no conditions. When Jesus says that all your sins have been paid for and forgiven, then they have, no work or earning is necessary. When he says that His Grace is sufficient and it is all you need, then that is true. When His word says, I am the Lord that heals you, meets all your needs, comforts you, protects you, leads and guides you, — then you can rest assured that He is all those things to you and much more! Who are you listening to? Block out the enemy and his lies! Knowing that Jesus is the truth can make all the difference in the everyday outcome of our life.Lee | GG Team