“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know!” (Philippians 1:21-22).
The apostle Paul faced a difficult choice. He knew that his death would be a gain for him personally. A Christian’s death is the doorway to the eternal presence of Christ. There would be no more sin to contend with. We would be out of reach of temptation. A life of total peace would replace all the conflicts we experience in this life.
What made the choice difficult for Paul was the feeling he had for those he would leave behind. To leave this life would end his fruit bearing years and he felt an obligation to continue to serve those God had called him to reach.
Christians aren’t suicidal. We aren’t looking to leave our responsibilities for ministry to others. God has called us to bear fruit. Paul’s resolution is the same for all of us who believe. We serve others and bear fruit until God calls us home. Heaven will always await us and God determines when we have finished our course. While we are living we engage in fruitful labor. When God calls us home we will have gained our freedom from the conflicts we face now. In this case, Paul continued to labor fruitfully. Later, he could write, “I have finished the course.” That’s how God wants each of us to live.