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Joseph Prince: What to do when walking through a trial
The more I learn to follow and trust His process the better my everyday life becomes. He knows me (I mean really knows me) and He knows the path and what lies ahead. The difficult times lose their grip as I experience His closeness and rescue time and time again. Like...
Rob Rufus: God Moves More When You Are Most Relaxed
I must rest and let the Holy Spirit accelerate me forward. The yoke of Jesus is easy - the perfect fit. For every situation that demands, Grace supplies. When I lean on the Spirit, he gives me the words, the strength, and insight to bless others and myself. The...
Arthur Meintjes: Jesus is our sufficiency
I cannot be both preoccupied with Jesus and my sin. That isn't taking sin lightly, it's honoring Jesus' finished work. Grace supplies for me like a stream that flows fresh water, it's unending. I can choose to flow with Grace instead of building up a damn of...