Malcom Smith: Participating in Christ Life

Malcom Smith: Participating in Christ Life

Grace invites me into a supernatural union with Jesus that is not tied to a pragmatic, understandable purpose. I will never discover "it," whatever I think "it" is, but I can pursue a life of significance, boldness, and wonder - if I intentionally lock my gaze into...

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Rob Rufus: Understanding All The Truth of Grace

Rob Rufus: Understanding All The Truth of Grace

God doesn’t relate to me in anyway except through grace. It would be unjust to Jesus if God related to me any other way. Grace is NOT going easy on sin. It’s the exact opposite. Grace came, died my death, and raised me to life in Christ. I can’t take advantage of God....

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Ralph Harris: Keeping My Heart of Freedom

Ralph Harris: Keeping My Heart of Freedom

Who the Son sets free is free indeed! I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. He died my death so that I could live His abundant life (John 10:10). The enemy hates when I remember my freedom because then I behave like a free woman. In response to my identity, I start to...

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Mike Todd: Grace Like a Flood Part 2

Mike Todd: Grace Like a Flood Part 2

God’s word is final. The only thing that defines me is The Creator. Jesus gave me my righteousness by finishing my sin debt. I am right with God regardless of how I feel. My behavior or circumstances have diddly to do with my identity in Jesus. A butterfly can land on...

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Rob Rufus: What Was Paul’s Thorn In The Flesh?

Rob Rufus: What Was Paul’s Thorn In The Flesh?

“The blood speaks better things” – grace speaks for me! I don’t need to defend myself before God and certainly not man. I can delight in my weaknesses with Christ. Grace operates through humility. Humility is understanding the mighty power of God and accepting my...

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Joseph Prince: Grace Revolution

Joseph Prince: Grace Revolution

See that under the law, God demands righteousness from sinfully bankrupt men, but under grace, God provides righteousness as a gift. See that under law, can’t mix up law and grace. You can’t put new wine into an old wineskin. See under the law, God said, “I will by no...

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David Baird: It’s Not Over, Even When It’s Over

David Baird: It’s Not Over, Even When It’s Over

When I am going through suffering or anguish over things real or imagined, Jesus empathizes with my struggles. Although He sees the end from the beginning in all things, Jesus never looks past my pain. I can enjoy supernatural peace in the midst of great uncertainty,...

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Mike Todd: Grace Like A Flood

Mike Todd: Grace Like A Flood

We need to understand our place. We are not the judge. We were on trial and Jesus stepped in and represented us. We're all complete in Christ, so why do we compete? We're either dead in bondage or free and alive in Christ - we can't measure aliveness or freedom, it...

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Grace Grenade



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A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

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What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.