Steve McVey: Changing Your Brain
Subscribe to the Grace Walk Experience Group Get fresh mind-renewing teaching daily (Mon-Fri), two live Zoom calls weekly, and much more! At GraceGrenade.com we're always searching for grenade-worthy content. My daughter Haley does the heavy lifting for us by...
Dr. Matt Pandel: The Faith OF God Makes Faith IN God Possible
The deeper I go into the matters of Grace, the deeper I understand the crazy implications of "It is Finished!" It's kinda like when my mom & dad would give me money, drive me to the store to pick out their gifts, and then be thrilled on Christmas morning with what...
Wally Odum: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too
Religion entices me to think I can play a healthy role in my salvation. "It's a TRAP!" Religion also tells me I'll never measure up, but keep trying harder anyway. Grace says stop "trying" and simply believe and receive the complete and finished work of Christ on the...
The Chosen: Jesus and The Outcast Woman At The Well
It's truly hard to fathom but Jesus was excited to woo me with a very personal invitation. My limitations never limited Him or made Him hesitant. He went out of His way to give me an opportunity to know and follow Him. I could never deserve on any level to have an...
The Chosen: Jesus Heals The Withered Hand
It stands to reason that a God that would come down in the person of Jesus and perform loving caring miracles for the average man would have a loving and caring persona. He would probably put us, as individuals, before religion and tradition, even at the risk of being...
Joseph Prince: The Most Effective Leaders Prioritize This
As a servant leader, my first priority should always be to drink deeply from God in wholehearted preparation to serve. It's a bit silly of me to think I can serve joyfully and effectively on an empty stomach. Lord, what an amazing privilege it is to be used by you to...
Joseph Prince: The Number #1 Antidote to Stress and Worry
I’ve been guilty of slipping into the Martha mindset. I want to be a good daughter, wife, and hostess so I must do “x y z.” Then by the grace of God, I’ll remember to focus on the One thing that matters as Mary did at the feet of Jesus. The difference in the quality...
The Chosen scene: John 3:16
Jesus came to save the world, especially me. The mystery of the Old Testament was revealed in Christ Jesus. If I want to learn who God is, I spend time with the Son. John 3:16 is the most important message for humanity to know. Not one person is excluded from His...
MercyMe: Finish What He Started – story behind the song
Sometimes I make it very hard on myself by trying to understand, rather than choosing to simply believe. On the Cross, He said, "It is Finished." It's on Jesus to figure out all the details, not me. He's okay with that. There are times when I feel defeated and...

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