Peace of Shrapnel

Bite-sized testimonies of the pin being pulled.

I used to hold back encouragement for fear of persecution for being “overly positive.” Before the Pin was Pulled, in the hierarchy of my priorities, looking normal in front of my friends was more important than letting them know the Good News. Too often I would roll over to conversations about gossip, brokenness, and hopelessness. As if Christ isn’t the answer to every problem we will ever face. I don’t live like The Cross never happened anymore. I live in reality, where what I see now is not all that I get. Joy is my portion!

Ecclesiastes 9:7 NIV

Go, eat your food with gladness, and drink your wine with a joyful heart, for God has already approved what you do.

Haley | GG Team



Once I was making an overnight road trip to Disney World and made a 3 am pitstop. In my groggy state, I got back in my car and started driving in the wrong direction for 90+ minutes - going North instead of South. It made no difference that I was driving perfectly,...

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I used to think it was extremely important to know what was right, choose what's right, and to fight for what's right. It could be considered the main thrust of a good life. The better I did, the better my reward in the cosmic game of life. I was willing to like you a...

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Sounds a little harsh to use the phrase "get stuff," but that's pretty much where I was if I'm being honest. If I needed healing, if I needed provision, if I needed favor, I would whip out the faith scriptures and go to confessing. I don't blame the sincere preaching...

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A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.