Grace Grenade



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Grace Grenade



Jana Greene: Ease, Flow, and a New Way to Go

Jana Greene: Ease, Flow, and a New Way to Go

Once my Pin was Pulled there was a different flow to my life, an easy flow, a Grace Flow. My Flow is very personal and unique, it's not based on a list of expectations. It feels like it's RELEASED in His Grace The more I embrace My Flow, the more I am utilized, and...

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Jana Greene: Undone

Jana Greene: Undone

Once the Pin was Pulled I finally realized Grace was a gift with no strings attached. Fruitless striving for something I have already been freely given only tends to frustrate the Giver. I can be like an annoying cat loudly complaining at the backdoor while my...

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Shirl Catindig: Oceans

Shirl Catindig: Oceans

As the Grace Grenade exploded in my heart, it changed me at the core. Its shrapnel penetrated every part of my being. It was a very personal and potentially self-focused event. I thought . . . Then I noticed an amazing phenomenon, there is collateral "damage"...

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A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.