Joseph Prince: Destined to Reign
God's grace is not Plan B, it's a comprehensive premeditated manifestation of the Father's heart and love for His creation. Deep down in my heart of hearts, I've always known that God must be that good and loving. A revelation of God's amazing grace confirms this and...
Clark Whitten: Pure Grace
Grace revealed in the New Testament is radical, lopsided, and absolute. It forces me to face the fact that my very best wasn't even close to being enough, and my very worst never disqualifies me. The security and relief I feel in understanding that I'm totally free,...
Wally Odum: The Only Way to Salvation is God’s Saving Grace
Sometimes I act like my "current" church is a good representation of the early church. When the fact is, most churches today hardly resemble my church from just 20 years ago. In many ways, I put yokes on people and congregations that keep us at arm's length from each...
Jana Greene: Keep Going, Kiddo
For me to pretend I'm not hurting when I most definitely am, is dishonest. For me to trust and expect healing in the midst of my extreme hurt, is faith. To unconditionally love me and be in my corner regardless, this is Grace. Troy | GG Team
Wally Odum: Grace is Not Retribution
Before the Pin was Pulled I think I believed that my earnest heartfelt apology for my wrongdoings played a role in my being "granted" salvation. My sincerity and commitment to "do better" played NO ROLE in my being declared reconciled. The Finished work of Jesus on...