Grace Grenade



Steve McVey: Grace Walk

Steve McVey: Grace Walk

"The victorious Christian life is nothing less than the life of Christ being expressed through the child of God. Any behavior that is not dependent on Him living His life through us comes from the flesh." Chapter 7 - I was like the proverbial monkey with my hand...

Dr. Paul Ellis: The Gospel In Ten Words

Dr. Paul Ellis: The Gospel In Ten Words

Religion is vague, grace is crystal clear. The gospel is simply the good news that Jesus (Grace & Truth) came to save us from sin and death so we could live for eternity in God’s kingdom as His righteous children. The Truth is so simple, that's why the author of...

Wally Odum: Grace Grenade, Pull the Pin

Wally Odum: Grace Grenade, Pull the Pin

I thought I understood grace and that it was simply how I got a clean slate and avoided Hell. I now realize it's the means by which I am able to begin to grow and sustain an amazingly personal relationship with the unconditionally loving God. If I had known then what...

Grace Grenade



Lee Penley: Hang In There

Lee Penley: Hang In There

If I’m unaware of it, I can stew in the familiar mess of my failures. Getting lost in shame and self-loathing, I forget who I am and what is true.

Jana Greene: The Great Opening

Jana Greene: The Great Opening

God has ALWAYS found me loveable, not because of what I DO or even BELIEVE. He finds me loveable because that's why He created me. Once I begin to BELIEVE in His Unconditional Love, then I can clearly see His Invitation to Dance with the Trinity and all His Creation....

Wally Odum: God’s Grace Isn’t Cheap

Wally Odum: God’s Grace Isn’t Cheap

Prior to my Pin being Pulled I used to think there was some value in sanctimoniously graveling about my unworthiness. If I bought a friend a very expensive gift, and they went on and on about their unworthiness or even did some "good works" as a gesture - the cost to...


A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.