“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Romans 1:10-11).
There is no argument about Paul’s ability to make other believers strong. Just reading his letters where he lays out his understanding of the Christian faith has strengthened millions of other Christians. Imagine the impact he would have had on the believers in the churches when he was with them.
What is somewhat surprising is his acknowledgment of mutual encouragement. What in the world could a Gentile convert’s experience do to strengthen Paul’s faith? According to this passage a significant amount. Paul acknowledges, with humility, that he receives encouragement as well as gives it when he visits a church.
It doesn’t take much reflection on my part to identify the encouragement I have received from other believers wherever I’ve been. Their faith and their testimonies have built my confidence in God and have motivated me to reach for new levels in my walk with God.
It’s our desire to encourage others, but don’t overlook the encouragement they can bring to you.