Steve McVey: Changing Your Brain

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  • “MIRACLES are MAGIC.” I may not have ever uttered those words, but that was my unspoken perspective. Miracles were wonderful, but un-understandable to my human mind. I don’t believe that anymore. Quantum science is opening the door to a bigger revelation of Christ. Talk about a faith builder.
  • For years I had put God in a very small box; let’s call it my religious brain. I was afraid any knowledge outside of the binding of my bible was suspect and had dangerous potential to lead me astray. Then Jesus whispered to me, “I know my own, and my own know me.”
  • Jesus has me firmly by the hand as I follow Him into next-level realities. It has taken me some time to get here, but I have finally sped up the process of trading old wineskins for new ones. As I feel my mind renewing, I see Jesus smiling—just like my wife and I would if we ushered our kids into a wonderland.

Troy | GG Team
Grenade Launcher

Subscribe to the Grace Walk Experience Group

Get fresh mind-renewing teaching daily (Mon-Fri), two live Zoom calls weekly, and much more!

At we’re always searching for grenade-worthy content. My daughter Haley does the heavy lifting for us by searching, reviewing, and qualifying tons of material. She will tell you, seeing the word “grace” is NOT always indicative of the “finished work” type of Grace we celebrate.

Haley discovered some social media posts from Steve McVey, and immediately knew she was onto something. Grace was emanating from the tone and concepts without the word grace necessarily even being used. The really wild thing was that he was blending God’s Grace with Quantum science.

So intrigued was she that unbeknownst to the rest of the team she joined Steve McVey’s (Grace Walk Experience) subscription-based online group. So crazy good and unique was her experience that she didn’t just tell me about it, she bought me a subscription. Because the teaching was so over-the-top amazing, my wife and I purchased a subscription for our other daughter.

Now we are all quite active in the group, and other members have started to join. If you join the Grace Walk Experience subscription group not only will you get amazing “red pill” teaching about what really matters, but as a bonus, you’ll get to hang out with some of the team on Zoom calls. OK, we get to hang out with YOU. 😄 endorses and promotes Steve McVey and Grace Walk Experience independently. We have not been compensated or requested to do so. We are honored to share this message and believe every person that joins GWE fulfills our mission of connecting folks to the “finished work” of God’s Grace.

Troy | GG Team
The Grace Walk Experience Subscription
  • New Daily Teachings (Mon-Fri)
  • Twice Weekly Live Zoom Chats
  • Teaching Series – What is the Grace Walk Experience?
  • Teaching Series – Awakening to Quantum Life
  • Teaching Series – Quantum Faith
  • Meditation Teaching & Meditation Sessions
  • $50 per month subscription (no minimum contract, cancel anytime)

To subscribe, click the button below, then select the “Grace Walk Experience Subscription” button.

Hand hold "The Quantum Life" by Steve McVey

The Quantum Life

By Steve McVey

If you’ve ever felt like you needed to choose between faith and science, then this is the book for you. Game-changing, eye-opening and mind-blowing—this will challenge both how you approach your faith and science. Every day, science is further proving the existence of a loving creator and intelligent being who makes life possible. I could not recommend this book more!

- Taylor | GG Team

It always disturbed me how I felt I had to either choose faith or science. This book proves that today’s science echoes what we’ve always known through faith. If you want to be inspired, changed, or challenged, read Quantum Life.

 - Haley | GG Team

The “Real Red Pill!” Once I started this book I couldn’t stop. The only challenge was I kept getting sidetracked with deep thoughts of practical application and revelation into my own life experiences. This book is kinda like a card table with all my life’s puzzle pieces loosely placed on the table, as I read, the table vibrated and the pieces started coming together. I’ve always been drawn to Jesus and Quantum, now I know why.

- Troy | GG Team

Unlock the secrets of the quantum world…

…and discover how to experience a deeper connection to the Kingdom of God with the revolutionary book, Quantum Life. Through exploring the cutting-edge science of quantum mechanics and its connection to biblical truth, best-selling author, Steve McVey, reveals a new way of understanding our place in the Kingdom of God and how that impacts our daily experiences. Whether you’re a sincere Christ-follower or just curious about the mysteries of the universe, this book is a helpful guide to unlocking a new level of understanding and experiencing the fullness of life you were made to know and enjoy.

Journey #2 Conference

“Steve (McVey) said the Journey online conference would be worth attending. Well, that was a MAJOR UNDERSTATEMENT. Got so much more than I was expecting. The Journey(#2) Into Imagination conference is going to be AMAZING. I’m registered and counting down the days.”

 - Troy | GG Team
Journey 2 Conference Details | July 14-15

Embark on a captivating exploration of the mind at the online conference, “Journey Into Imagination.”

This transformative event features speakers Malcolm Smith, Steve McVey, and Don Keathley!

They will guide you through the boundless power of holy imagination.

Discover how this divine tool can catalyze profound transformation in your life, unlocking new perspectives and possibilities.

Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into the sacred realm of your imagination and reshape your life.

Prepare to embark on this illuminating journey!

Event Details

  • July 14-15, Friday – Saturday
  • 3 Dynamic Speakers
  • 9 Life Changing Messages
  • Friday (14th) 6pm – 9pm CST
  • Saturday Morning (15th) 10am – 1pm CST
  • Saturday Afternoon (15th) 2pm – 5pm CST
  • The Zoom link will be sent on Wednesday the 12th
  • Pre-Registration $99

A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.