Ralph Harris: Pancake People

Ralph Harris: Pancake People

The Creator made us more complex than a pancake. Our value is based on Jesus’ value and the depths of those riches are unfathomable. Jesus leveled the playing field for you and me so we can love without restraint or expectation. How alienating is it when we choose to...

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Ralph Harris: The Work of Love

Ralph Harris: The Work of Love

• There is no over-emphasizing the love of God. I’m not working FOR His love, but FROM His love. Yes, it really is that great and all-encompassing. • God’s love puts everything back into perspective. Seeking His love is “seeking first the Kingdom”- all the rest falls...

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Larry Eiss: Thoughts on Thankfulness

Larry Eiss: Thoughts on Thankfulness

There is nothing good apart from the Father. I once heard a preacher share, “joy is a result of gratefulness. If you truly believed you didn’t deserve anything you got you would be ecstatic about everything!” That’s our reality in Christ. We didn’t deserve one bit of...

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Larry Eiss: Spiritual Growth

Larry Eiss: Spiritual Growth

My growth is not up to me. I can’t will it to happen because I’m not responsible for it. Growth happens naturally in grace and truth. My only duty is to remember that. I just have to turn and face the Son to soak up His light. Haley | GG Team

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Ralph Harris: The Best Self-Improvement Course

Ralph Harris: The Best Self-Improvement Course

Jesus didn’t argue with God to let me in, He paid the entrance fee. Jesus lived the life I couldn’t live and died the death I deserved. He endured all of that for me so that I can now I rest and receive from the Father.  The world tells me I should be working harder...

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Joseph Prince: God’s Favor Gives You Rest

Joseph Prince: God’s Favor Gives You Rest

God’s favor puts us in the right place at the right time. I’ve seen this firsthand many times and witnessed it in other believers’ lives. The favor of God makes people like you, and they can’t even put their finger on why. After having a wonderful day in NYC, my...

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Joseph Prince: Beware of the Dangers of Counterfeit Grace

Joseph Prince: Beware of the Dangers of Counterfeit Grace

Realize the severity of sin and the perfection of The Ten Commandments. Those exposed to true grace respond with true faith. Like when Jesus met Zaccheus, “the love of money died when the love of Jesus came.” Jesus isn’t looking for a progress report on what I did for...

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A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.