Lee Penley: Grace and . . .

Lee Penley: Grace and . . .

Once my Pin was Pulled, Grace was no longer just one of the "nice" words, but rather became a powerful revelation of God's Heart and Involvement. God's Grace is a constant enhancer. Every WIN I experience at the hand of Grace keeps me humble. Like the 16-year-old...

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Teri Miller: Bucket Dropping

Teri Miller: Bucket Dropping

Jesus meets me with Grace not judgment even on our very first encounter. Whenever I lay down MY PLAN Jesus is ALWAYS offering a bigger better plan. When I have a real encounter with the Grace of Jesus, my inclination is to testify to others what He's done for me. The...

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Wally Odum: Managing God’s Grace

Wally Odum: Managing God’s Grace

I now realize there's a huge difference between man's grace (polite kindness) and God's Grace given to us as gifts in the form of talents and abilities to serve others. So cool to think I'm not in competition with my fellow believers but rather I'm given the...

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Wally Odum: Ask The Right Questions

Wally Odum: Ask The Right Questions

Grace passes no judgment on me for the circumstances I face no matter how I got myself there. There is nothing of this world, or NOT of this world that can block my access. Grace is multidimensional. I have a question for you . . . since all blessings can be found in...

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Lee Penley: Joy Comes

Lee Penley: Joy Comes

It's like the weight of the world comes off my shoulders when I realize Grace doesn't judge why/how I find myself in the darkness. Like a room full of the best and brightest working diligently on a plan of rescue for an innocent victim is how I can imagine God is...

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Lee Penley: Set Your Mind

Lee Penley: Set Your Mind

When I’m not paying attention, I put my thinking on autopilot – a mode that can’t be trusted during treacherous conditions. If I don’t intentionally give my attention to the Way the Truth and the Life, I’ll be blown back and forth by every negative headline, tweet, or...

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Wally Odum: The Day Religion Died

Wally Odum: The Day Religion Died

Really Radical Relief - imagine a time when you totally screwed up. It was all your fault, you came up way short and disappointed and hurt someone very special and important to you. Then, just like that, the slate is wiped clean. Nearly Beyond Comprehension - it's...

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Wally Odum: A Heart Transplant

Wally Odum: A Heart Transplant

I remember being disappointed and heartbroken. I had been weighed and measured and found wanting. And this by my own account, never mind what others thought about me. I once went to a super swanky private club to which I had no access, even membership was by...

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Wally Odum: Humility Attracts Grace

Wally Odum: Humility Attracts Grace

The thought, reality, and understanding that God opposes the proud - chills me to the bone. There is no need for me to actually fall and fail before becoming humble. As I stay focused on Christ, or "in Christ" there is a natural and painless progression into a deeper...

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A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.