Lee Penley: Hang In There

Lee Penley: Hang In There

If I’m not aware of it, I can stew in the familiar mess of my personal failures. Getting lost in shame and self-loathing, I forget who I am and what is true. Leaving the comfort of the familiar, even if it’s destroying me, can be scary. That’s only when I believe...

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Jana Greene: The Great Opening

Jana Greene: The Great Opening

God has ALWAYS found me loveable, not because of what I DO or even BELIEVE. He finds me loveable because that's why He created me. Once I begin to BELIEVE in His Unconditional Love, then I can clearly see His Invitation to Dance with the Trinity and all His Creation....

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Wally Odum: God’s Grace Isn’t Cheap

Wally Odum: God’s Grace Isn’t Cheap

Prior to my Pin being Pulled I used to think there was some value in sanctimoniously graveling about my unworthiness. If I bought a friend a very expensive gift, and they went on and on about their unworthiness or even did some "good works" as a gesture - the cost to...

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Jana Greene: Keep Going, Kiddo

Jana Greene: Keep Going, Kiddo

For me to pretend I'm not hurting when I most definitely am, is dishonest. For me to trust and expect healing in the midst of my extreme hurt, is faith. To unconditionally love me and be in my corner regardless, this is Grace. Troy | GG Team

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Wally Odum: Grace is Not Retribution

Wally Odum: Grace is Not Retribution

Before the Pin was Pulled I think I believed that my earnest heartfelt apology for my wrongdoings played a role in my being "granted" salvation. My sincerity and commitment to "do better" played NO ROLE in my being declared reconciled. The Finished work of Jesus on...

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Wally Odum: Grace Has to Be a Gift

Wally Odum: Grace Has to Be a Gift

As a child, my parents gave me many gifts. Most of these gifts I had no means or hope of acquiring on my own. Simply put, they wanted me to have gifts and they provided them. The gifts my parents gave me never had strings attached. There was no payback plan nor...

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Wally Odum: Caught in the Grip of Grace

Wally Odum: Caught in the Grip of Grace

Unconsciously I tend to act like every seeker/follower of Christ should think and behave the way I do today, at this moment, not as I may have in the past. And as I grow in Jesus and update my understanding, I construct new unspoken subconscious hoops for folks to...

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Lee Penley: Who In The World Are You Listening To?

Lee Penley: Who In The World Are You Listening To?

I'm not tempted to believe the sky is green instead of blue, but I can be convinced that my bad decisions have caused God to turn His back on me. The enemy deceives in a calculated context. God's Grace is unconditional and that's just dag-gone hard to believe. But I...

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A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.