Grace Grenade Shrapnel

Grace Grenades

Our team handpicks content from around the world to explain, demonstrate, or celebrate God’s love for all people through His Son Jesus Christit could be a sermon, song, TV series, or an expression of art. If it leads people to Jesus’ finished work at the cross, it’s a Grace Grenade.

Peter Wade: Always In Triumph

Peter Wade: Always In Triumph

I identify with Jesus and His ultimate victory. Now I walk around like a own the place. Sure I may not, but my Dad does! I'm going to stop raining on the parade He's prepared for me. Haley | GG Team

Rob Rufus: God Moves More When You Are Most Relaxed

Rob Rufus: God Moves More When You Are Most Relaxed

I must rest and let the Holy Spirit accelerate me forward. The yoke of Jesus is easy - the perfect fit. For every situation that demands, Grace supplies. When I lean on the Spirit, he gives me the words, the strength, and insight to bless others and myself.   The...

Peter Youngren: The Finished Work

Peter Youngren: The Finished Work

Jesus paid for my debt in full. There's no discussing it. The grueling grip of fear and shame has loosened off. Now I can relax in Righteousness like the first day of summer vacation. Haley | GG Team

Arthur Meintjes: Jesus is our sufficiency

Arthur Meintjes: Jesus is our sufficiency

I cannot be both preoccupied with Jesus and my sin. That isn't taking sin lightly, it's honoring Jesus' finished work. Grace supplies for me like a stream that flows fresh water, it's unending. I can choose to flow with Grace instead of building up a damn of...

Hillsong UNITED: Whole Heart

Hillsong UNITED: Whole Heart

When I focus on my failures it only brings me fear, but when I focus on His grace it empowers me. Needing Jesus isn't a matter of weakness, it's a universal fact. Fear has crippled me in the past but grace is my medicine. Rick | GG Team

Tauren Wells: Known

Tauren Wells: Known

When I feel like no one cares to know who I am, God knows me (even the stuff I don't want Him to). The hard truth and ridiculous Grace doesn't add up. I've found freedom in not trying to hide my weakness. Rick | GG Team

Hillsong UNITED: As You Find Me

Hillsong UNITED: As You Find Me

I screw up over and over again and God never abandons me. Even as a pastor, when I've fallen flat on my face again - I feel His admiration. He doesn't leave me alone in my failure, He elevates me far beyond my imagination. Rick | GG Team

Dr. Paul Ellis: Is God’s Love Unconditional?

Dr. Paul Ellis: Is God’s Love Unconditional?

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. If I am fully known and fully loved, then why would I ever pretend with God? No more watching my step, my firm foundation is in God's love for me. Haley | GG Team

Joseph Prince: A Reminder For Your Anxious Heart

Joseph Prince: A Reminder For Your Anxious Heart

There is a special Peace available to me that is not tied to my circumstances. The world does not have access to this Peace. If I was short on rent and a friend lent me money, that's the world's level of Peace as compared to being short on rent and the Landlord...

John W. Reed: Why you can have bold Faith even when you fail

John W. Reed: Why you can have bold Faith even when you fail

Jesus qualifies the unqualified, makes straight the crooked, and lifts up the lowly. For so long fear trapped me from enjoying the opportunities God provided. When I talk to Jesus He puts fear on mute so that I can enjoy what's coming. Haley | GG Team

The Chosen scene: “Now I’m completely different”

The Chosen scene: “Now I’m completely different”

Grace has a funny way of dumbfounding the wise and religious. All it takes is an encounter with Jesus to change everything. Jesus loved me as He found me like He loved Mary Magdalene. I don't have to have all the answers to share my story. Haley | GG Team

Saving Grace: Grace that is absolutely free

Saving Grace: Grace that is absolutely free

Our sin had a steep cost, Jesus paid for every bit of it. That is grace, Jesus' gift to humanity. When was the last time you paid for a gift? How relieving is it to know we are free indeed in Christ? How great that we're not waiting for the other shoe to drop? The...

Joseph Prince: What To Do When You Don’t Have Enough Faith

Joseph Prince: What To Do When You Don’t Have Enough Faith

Faith will always get God's attention and approval. When I feel as though I have no faith, I should not feel guilty, but I should take action. There's no judgment in being hungry unless there's plenty of food and you don't partake. Feels unfair for God to put such...

Dr. Andrew Farley: Are you a sucker for self-improvement?

Dr. Andrew Farley: Are you a sucker for self-improvement?

I was a sucker for the sales pitch of "self-improvement." God tells us we are perfected in Christ. Salvation really is as easy as believing, breathing, walking, talking, or whatever else we find effortless. I've done much in vain and some in Christ and there is always...

Dr. Andrew Farley: Do we still need to take off our old self?

Dr. Andrew Farley: Do we still need to take off our old self?

Believers are crucified, buried, and raised to life with Christ. Even so, we have to deal with our old perspectives and habits. I'm grateful Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to nip me back to Grace like a sheepdog. He's gentle but persistent! When I hear my flesh speak up,...

Paul White: God vs Father

Paul White: God vs Father

If my earthly dad is capable of great love for me, how much more is my heavenly father? There’s no wonder why the enemy focuses on attacking the father image in so many families. The devil doesn’t want us to see even a glimpse of God’s love demonstrated in our...

Rob Rufus: Don’t Taint Your Faith With Lies About God

Rob Rufus: Don’t Taint Your Faith With Lies About God

When we see Jesus’ pure unadulterated grace through the word, it produces great faith naturally. If my husband repeatedly doubted my love, would I find that to be honoring? So why should insult God by doubting His never-ending, unfathomable, and irrevocable love for...

Joseph Prince: How To Receive The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

Joseph Prince: How To Receive The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

When it comes to spiritual matters or practices it is extremely important for me to seek an understanding in the Word. Once I see it and meet the criteria, I expect to receive by the same means I have received all things "by Grace, through Faith." When I pray in the...

Maverick City Music: Firm Foundation

Maverick City Music: Firm Foundation

When our foundation is built on Jesus, the size of the storm becomes irrelevant. After losing a very close family member I felt tremendous peace that could only be explained by Jesus. I'm no longer lonely when I'm alone - I can talk to Him anytime. Jesus is our safe...

Maverick City Music: Jireh

Maverick City Music: Jireh

On my best day, doing my best work and best service or on my worst day when I have failed, God loves me the same. My best work doesn't compare to the murder and resurrection of Jesus. God gives me hope in every situation even when I failed. Rick | GG Team

The Chosen scene: Jesus calls the misfit tax collector

The Chosen scene: Jesus calls the misfit tax collector

Jesus sees me and knows me and invites me to follow Him in a way that changes everything. People will always judge me, including myself, and the fact is we all may be right. I'm not qualified, but He calls me anyway. When Jesus invited me to follow Him, I sensed Him...

Grace Grenade Podcast: Jesus—The Greatest of All Time | Pt. 1

Grace Grenade Podcast: Jesus—The Greatest of All Time | Pt. 1

When you see His love for you, you understand that you’re not alone and you have the power of God to back you up. When you see His love for you, you understand that who you were is NOT who you are now. When you see His love for you, you understand that He came to...

Joseph Prince: Learn to rest and flow with God

Joseph Prince: Learn to rest and flow with God

Rest is not a reward for working hard, it's a place from which to operate and be blessed. It is not without effort, rest must be prioritized, intentional, and protected. Like scheduling date nights with your spouse, or taking your kids to weekly practice, creating...

A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.