Grace Grenade Shrapnel

Grace Grenades

Our team handpicks content from around the world to explain, demonstrate, or celebrate God’s love for all people through His Son Jesus Christit could be a sermon, song, TV series, or an expression of art. If it leads people to Jesus’ finished work at the cross, it’s a Grace Grenade.

Lee Penley: Late to the Funeral

Lee Penley: Late to the Funeral

Apostle Paul pretty much sums up the Christian’s reality, “to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Phil 4:16 NIV) I simply cannot lose after accepting His gift of Grace. What inextinguishable freedom we have in Christ Jesus. What a relief to know that no matter where...

The Chosen: Jesus and The Outcast Woman At The Well

The Chosen: Jesus and The Outcast Woman At The Well

It's truly hard to fathom but Jesus was excited to woo me with a very personal invitation. My limitations never limited Him or made Him hesitant. He went out of His way to give me an opportunity to know and follow Him. I could never deserve on any level to have an...

The Chosen: Jesus Heals The Withered Hand

The Chosen: Jesus Heals The Withered Hand

It stands to reason that a God that would come down in the person of Jesus and perform loving caring miracles for the average man would have a loving and caring persona. He would probably put us, as individuals, before religion and tradition, even at the risk of being...

Ralph Harris: God’s Benefits

Ralph Harris: God’s Benefits

If I thought my right standing with God depended on me and my self-efforts why wouldn't I be totally preoccupied with myself? I would be totally self-absorbed all the time. I should be. And yet my efforts would be futile. However, the very real fantastic truth is that...

Hillsong UNITED: From The Inside Out

Hillsong UNITED: From The Inside Out

I always thought I had to find what my purpose was for God to accept me, His grace gave me my purpose. Good deeds are what I thought made God love me. I found out that He already loved me and all I had to do was accept it. God brought me joy and peace even before I...

MercyMe: Welcome to The New

MercyMe: Welcome to The New

I thought living a worthy Christian life was hard, I was wrong, it's impossible. Didn't stop people from telling me to try, so I did, for years. I thought surely God was disappointed in my performance because I know I often was. I was WRONG. The GOOD NEWS is God's...

Carrie Underwood: Something In The Water

Carrie Underwood: Something In The Water

I heard and responded to a simple gospel message about Jesus and although I couldn't explain it or understand what happened, I knew everything was different. There's been a transformation that I can't fully comprehend but I can feel the overwhelmingly positive changes...

Joseph Prince: Understanding Righteousness

Joseph Prince: Understanding Righteousness

Righteousness is my free gift, paid for by the blood of Jesus. It might be free to me but it's priceless! Jesus worked for my righteousness so I don't have to. I received the gift through His Grace. I can receive this gift simply by believing. No tricks, no works,...

Lee Penley: Understanding God’s Love For You

Lee Penley: Understanding God’s Love For You

There was absolutely nothing I did to earn God’s love, and there’s nothing I can do to lose it. The extravagance of Jesus’ love for me is over the top and everlasting. When the revelation of how The Creator of the Universe loves me personally drops from my head to my...

Rob Rufus: Understanding All The Truth of Grace

Rob Rufus: Understanding All The Truth of Grace

God doesn’t relate to me in anyway except through grace. It would be unjust to Jesus if God related to me any other way. Grace is NOT going easy on sin. It’s the exact opposite. Grace came, died my death, and raised me to life in Christ. I can’t take advantage of God....

Dr. Paul Ellis: Can we take grace too far?

Dr. Paul Ellis: Can we take grace too far?

I can be sincere, and at the same time be wrong, I'm still sincerely wrong. Adding the word "hyper" to grace is supposed to make me feel extreme, unbalanced, and self-serving. The Grace described and revealed in God's word is beyond description and comprehension, none...

Ralph Harris: Keeping My Heart of Freedom

Ralph Harris: Keeping My Heart of Freedom

Who the Son sets free is free indeed! I am a new creation in Christ Jesus. He died my death so that I could live His abundant life (John 10:10). The enemy hates when I remember my freedom because then I behave like a free woman. In response to my identity, I start to...

Ralph Harris: Pancake People

Ralph Harris: Pancake People

The Creator made us more complex than a pancake. Our value is based on Jesus’ value and the depths of those riches are unfathomable. Jesus leveled the playing field for you and me so we can love without restraint or expectation. How alienating is it when we choose to...

Joseph Prince: The Most Effective Leaders Prioritize This

Joseph Prince: The Most Effective Leaders Prioritize This

As a servant leader, my first priority should always be to drink deeply from God in wholehearted preparation to serve. It's a bit silly of me to think I can serve joyfully and effectively on an empty stomach. Lord, what an amazing privilege it is to be used by you to...

Kevin Toqe: Name Above All

Kevin Toqe: Name Above All

I don't care how much I admire Bruce Lee, Michael Jordan, or Joseph Prince, I could be their undisputed biggest fans on earth—still, I have no right to stand outside their hotel rooms, shout amazing accolades, and expect an audience. But WOW. I call on the name above...

Ralph Harris: The Work of Love

Ralph Harris: The Work of Love

• There is no over-emphasizing the love of God. I’m not working FOR His love, but FROM His love. Yes, it really is that great and all-encompassing. • God’s love puts everything back into perspective. Seeking His love is “seeking first the Kingdom”- all the rest falls...

Mike Todd: Grace Like a Flood Part 2

Mike Todd: Grace Like a Flood Part 2

God’s word is final. The only thing that defines me is The Creator. Jesus gave me my righteousness by finishing my sin debt. I am right with God regardless of how I feel. My behavior or circumstances have diddly to do with my identity in Jesus. A butterfly can land on...

Rob Rufus: What Was Paul’s Thorn In The Flesh?

Rob Rufus: What Was Paul’s Thorn In The Flesh?

“The blood speaks better things” – grace speaks for me! I don’t need to defend myself before God and certainly not man. I can delight in my weaknesses with Christ. Grace operates through humility. Humility is understanding the mighty power of God and accepting my...

Larry Eiss: Thoughts on Thankfulness

Larry Eiss: Thoughts on Thankfulness

There is nothing good apart from the Father. I once heard a preacher share, “joy is a result of gratefulness. If you truly believed you didn’t deserve anything you got you would be ecstatic about everything!” That’s our reality in Christ. We didn’t deserve one bit of...

Hillsong UNITED: Blown Away

Hillsong UNITED: Blown Away

I can’t comprehend what Jesus did for me. The good thing is all I have to do is accept it. Jesus’ actions on the cross were more radical than any sin I could commit. He did it all for a relationship with me… BLOWN AWAY. Rick | GG Team

Larry Eiss: Spiritual Growth

Larry Eiss: Spiritual Growth

My growth is not up to me. I can’t will it to happen because I’m not responsible for it. Growth happens naturally in grace and truth. My only duty is to remember that. I just have to turn and face the Son to soak up His light. Haley | GG Team

MercyMe: Grace Got You

MercyMe: Grace Got You

It's not my intention to judge, BUT if you don't smile, sing, laugh, dance, or cry a little while listening to this song - your Pin Isn't Pulled. No problem, just means there's MORE coming! If at any point in this song you are tempted to say "Yeah but . . ." - your...

Decibel Worship: Rest and Receive

Decibel Worship: Rest and Receive

Once again I've got the order of things all wrong. Circumstances and shortcomings demand attention and tribute. However, when I choose, not to react to pressures, but choose to focus on and hear my Lord Jesus - Peace eases over me as my deep breath of life returns....

Ralph Harris: The Best Self-Improvement Course

Ralph Harris: The Best Self-Improvement Course

Jesus didn’t argue with God to let me in, He paid the entrance fee. Jesus lived the life I couldn’t live and died the death I deserved. He endured all of that for me so that I can now I rest and receive from the Father.  The world tells me I should be working harder...

Joseph Prince: The Number #1 Antidote to Stress and Worry

Joseph Prince: The Number #1 Antidote to Stress and Worry

I’ve been guilty of slipping into the Martha mindset. I want to be a good daughter, wife, and hostess so I must do “x y z.” Then by the grace of God, I’ll remember to focus on the One thing that matters as Mary did at the feet of Jesus. The difference in the quality...

Joseph Prince: Grace Revolution

Joseph Prince: Grace Revolution

See that under the law, God demands righteousness from sinfully bankrupt men, but under grace, God provides righteousness as a gift. See that under law, can’t mix up law and grace. You can’t put new wine into an old wineskin. See under the law, God said, “I will by no...

The Chosen scene: John 3:16

The Chosen scene: John 3:16

Jesus came to save the world, especially me. The mystery of the Old Testament was revealed in Christ Jesus. If I want to learn who God is, I spend time with the Son. John 3:16 is the most important message for humanity to know. Not one person is excluded from His...

David Baird: It’s Not Over, Even When It’s Over

David Baird: It’s Not Over, Even When It’s Over

When I am going through suffering or anguish over things real or imagined, Jesus empathizes with my struggles. Although He sees the end from the beginning in all things, Jesus never looks past my pain. I can enjoy supernatural peace in the midst of great uncertainty,...

MercyMe: Finish What He Started – story behind the song

MercyMe: Finish What He Started – story behind the song

Sometimes I make it very hard on myself by trying to understand, rather than choosing to simply believe. On the Cross, He said, "It is Finished." It's on Jesus to figure out all the details, not me. He's okay with that. There are times when I feel defeated and...

MercyMe: Flawless

MercyMe: Flawless

The sad truth is I used to think I was pretty good. Then slowly time revealed I wasn't even close to being enough. There was no playing catchup. Time and bad decisions put me in a deep hole. Then like a grenade exploding in my heart, I realized God had settled ALL my...

MercyMe: Wishful Thinking

MercyMe: Wishful Thinking

It took me a long time to understand how God operates. It wasn't until I got my eyes entirely off myself, that I could come to the incredible life-changing realization that God loves me so completely, in spite of myself, it doesn't seem possible. But it is. I used to...

Joseph Prince: God’s Favor Gives You Rest

Joseph Prince: God’s Favor Gives You Rest

God’s favor puts us in the right place at the right time. I’ve seen this firsthand many times and witnessed it in other believers’ lives. The favor of God makes people like you, and they can’t even put their finger on why. After having a wonderful day in NYC, my...

A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.