Grace Grenade Shrapnel

Grace Grenades

Our team handpicks content from around the world to explain, demonstrate, or celebrate God’s love for all people through His Son Jesus Christit could be a sermon, song, TV series, or an expression of art. If it leads people to Jesus’ finished work at the cross, it’s a Grace Grenade.

Wally Odum: Grace and Faith Work Together

Wally Odum: Grace and Faith Work Together

I can intensely study a perfect clock telling me perfect time, but no matter my focus, trust, and belief in the clock, it cannot give me MORE time. It is only a perfect reflection of time. The Law reflects my need for Grace. I have attended many churches and listened...

Wally Odum: Grace Means We Can’t Lose

Wally Odum: Grace Means We Can’t Lose

I could be holding a Royal Straight Flush and will lose every time if the game is Crazy 8s. After the Pin was Pulled I traded in my good works scorecard for a VIP membership card. God has been at work in the past, is working in the present, and will work in my future...

Lee Penley: Grace and . . .

Lee Penley: Grace and . . .

Once my Pin was Pulled, Grace was no longer just one of the "nice" words, but rather became a powerful revelation of God's Heart and Involvement. God's Grace is a constant enhancer. Every WIN I experience at the hand of Grace keeps me humble. Like the 16-year-old...

Steve McVey: Grace Walk

Steve McVey: Grace Walk

"The victorious Christian life is nothing less than the life of Christ being expressed through the child of God. Any behavior that is not dependent on Him living His life through us comes from the flesh." Chapter 7 - I was like the proverbial monkey with my hand...

Teri Miller: Bucket Dropping

Teri Miller: Bucket Dropping

Jesus meets me with Grace not judgment even on our very first encounter. Whenever I lay down MY PLAN Jesus is ALWAYS offering a bigger better plan. When I have a real encounter with the Grace of Jesus, my inclination is to testify to others what He's done for me. The...

Wally Odum: Managing God’s Grace

Wally Odum: Managing God’s Grace

I now realize there's a huge difference between man's grace (polite kindness) and God's Grace given to us as gifts in the form of talents and abilities to serve others. So cool to think I'm not in competition with my fellow believers but rather I'm given the...

Wally Odum: Ask The Right Questions

Wally Odum: Ask The Right Questions

Grace passes no judgment on me for the circumstances I face no matter how I got myself there. There is nothing of this world, or NOT of this world that can block my access. Grace is multidimensional. I have a question for you . . . since all blessings can be found in...

Wally Odum: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Wally Odum: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Religion entices me to think I can play a healthy role in my salvation. "It's a TRAP!" Religion also tells me I'll never measure up, but keep trying harder anyway. Grace says stop "trying" and simply believe and receive the complete and finished work of Christ on the...

Lee Penley: Joy Comes

Lee Penley: Joy Comes

It's like the weight of the world comes off my shoulders when I realize Grace doesn't judge why/how I find myself in the darkness. Like a room full of the best and brightest working diligently on a plan of rescue for an innocent victim is how I can imagine God is...

Lee Penley: Set Your Mind

Lee Penley: Set Your Mind

When I’m not paying attention, I put my thinking on autopilot – a mode that can’t be trusted during treacherous conditions. If I don’t intentionally give my attention to the Way the Truth and the Life, I’ll be blown back and forth by every negative headline, tweet, or...

Wally Odum: The Day Religion Died

Wally Odum: The Day Religion Died

Really Radical Relief - imagine a time when you totally screwed up. It was all your fault, you came up way short and disappointed and hurt someone very special and important to you. Then, just like that, the slate is wiped clean. Nearly Beyond Comprehension - it's...

Wally Odum: A Heart Transplant

Wally Odum: A Heart Transplant

I remember being disappointed and heartbroken. I had been weighed and measured and found wanting. And this by my own account, never mind what others thought about me. I once went to a super swanky private club to which I had no access, even membership was by...

Wally Odum: Humility Attracts Grace

Wally Odum: Humility Attracts Grace

The thought, reality, and understanding that God opposes the proud - chills me to the bone. There is no need for me to actually fall and fail before becoming humble. As I stay focused on Christ, or "in Christ" there is a natural and painless progression into a deeper...

Lee Penley: All Charges Are Dismissed

Lee Penley: All Charges Are Dismissed

There is a totality to my lack of sin debt that I seldom contemplate. I act like it's an open tab with a potential balance. That bad boy has been settled and CLOSED. His Word shows me example after example, that the quantity nor quality of sin committed is of any...

Kevin Toqe: You Know

Kevin Toqe: You Know

Grace is right here, right now. You are ALWAYS letting me know that I'll never find myself beyond Your Reach. Wow. My Future, My Hopes, My Dreams are just steps, mere steps of faith away - where Your Grace is waiting for me. Troy | GG Team

MercyMe: Whiplash

MercyMe: Whiplash

I've paid off some big ticket debts, and never once have I called the bank to make sure the debt was still clear. When I look back at my sin debt, am questioning whether or not my bill was fully paid? I used to think my debt was canceled, but it wasn't, it was paid in...

Kevin Toqe: Countryman

Kevin Toqe: Countryman

Felt awed and wooed by God. Had big dreams to take my place in the grand scheme. Life happened and shut me down hard. But His Grace never did. I now know a Grace that transcends my understanding, but makes a low priority of details. I'm like a kid in the backseat of a...

Wally Odum: Grace Opens the Door to God’s Power

Wally Odum: Grace Opens the Door to God’s Power

I've spent much of my life hiding and forsaking my weaknesses. Grace says that's no longer necessary. Sounds strange to think I can boast in my inabilities and shortcomings. However, understanding Grace takes my attention off me and puts it on Him with much better...

Wally Odum: Law and Grace Don’t Mix

Wally Odum: Law and Grace Don’t Mix

I can't hedge my bets. I must choose. It's one or the other. I will be judged by the perfect Law, or saved by His Grace. Period. Of course I want to do good works and improve my behavior, but these things have nothing to do with my salvation by Grace. In fact, the...

Wally Odum: Grace Relies on Christ Alone

Wally Odum: Grace Relies on Christ Alone

Thinking that my good works plays a role in my salvation is not only naïve - it's dangerous. In no way would I ever want to diminish the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, but that's what I do when I don't completely decouple my good works with the...

Wally Odum: God’s Grace is Free for Everyone

Wally Odum: God’s Grace is Free for Everyone

I used to think meeting God's standard was a hard thing, requiring all my effort and attention. I was wrong, it's easy to understand and achieve, it's just hard to believe. My eternal salvation and right standing is not at risk each time I miss the mark. God still...

Wally Odum: Grace is a Safe Place

Wally Odum: Grace is a Safe Place

I could never earn God's saving Grace, thereby it stands to reason that I keep my salvation based on the same parameters - by Grace through faith. The more I chew on that the more amazed I become. Grace is a place of safety, not inactivity. Resting in Grace is akin to...

Wally Odum: Grace on the First Page of the New Testament

Wally Odum: Grace on the First Page of the New Testament

Once my eyes were opened to God's Grace, it showed up everywhere in the Bible. Wow, even the boring parts! Grace doesn't just deal with my sin. That would be awesome and generous. No, it also puts me in places of honor that I could have never put myself, no matter how...

Wally Odum: Grace Keeps Us in the Shadow of the Cross

Wally Odum: Grace Keeps Us in the Shadow of the Cross

Grace wasn't the beginning of my salvation, it's the journey of my salvation. This perspective overshadows my critics even the one that occupies my body. The Grace revealed and demonstrated in the Gospel can be misunderstood, but not cheapened or abused. God's Grace...

Lee Penley: God Is Our Nightlight

Lee Penley: God Is Our Nightlight

The Creator of the Universe, the one, who sits outside of time and space, is my Father. When I remember this, the pestilence that stalks in the night flees. The darkness that once engulfed my thoughts disappears at the sight of His grace. This perfect light is a gift...

Elevation Worship: Graves Into Gardens

Elevation Worship: Graves Into Gardens

I have lived to serve my needs and all I found was depression and emptiness, God’s grace is the only thing that has brought fulfillment and joy. When I come to God and show Him all of my flaws, I don’t feel condemnation but freedom. My greatest flaws turn into my...

Lee Penley: Do you feel empty?

Lee Penley: Do you feel empty?

Grace never rubs my face in my past like an owner scolding a dog for a carpet accident. Any remembrance or interaction with my past is to encourage or advance my progress. I often "feel" like I'm not increasing or advancing in physical or spiritual objectives and that...

Wally Odum: Penitent Thief

Wally Odum: Penitent Thief

Consciously or subconsciously there has always been a needling feeling that I should "do" my part in the salvation process. I knew I didn't have enough for the price of admission, but surely I should empty out my pockets to at least give the appearance of having skin...

Dr. Paul Ellis: What is Grace?

Dr. Paul Ellis: What is Grace?

Grace is God’s to give. Grace is not cheap, it cost Jesus everything. Grace is an ever-expanding revelation of God’s loving-kindness to us. It’s the one thing that makes anything matter. Without Grace, there would be no Hope. Unraveling the truth of Grace by reading...

Dr. Paul Ellis: Faith Is A Rest

Dr. Paul Ellis: Faith Is A Rest

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1 NIV) Faith is a noun, not a verb. It is a byproduct of beholding the glory of God and His goodness. Unbelief is unrest, and unrest is disobedience. Let us, therefore,...

Dr. Paul Ellis: The Gospel In Ten Words

Dr. Paul Ellis: The Gospel In Ten Words

Religion is vague, grace is crystal clear. The gospel is simply the good news that Jesus (Grace & Truth) came to save us from sin and death so we could live for eternity in God’s kingdom as His righteous children. The Truth is so simple, that's why the author of...

A message from Pastor Rick Stone.

Click here for more.

What is a Grenade Launcher?

Grenade Launcher is a word picture we use to describe a ministry or person who creates and/or performs a featured grace grenade. Grace Grenades are selected as standalone items and are not a full endorsement of any other items or activities of a particular ministry or person. However, if a grace grenade is tagged with “Official Grenade Launcher” it means we recommend and are comfortable with their public offerings.