17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
John 1:17
It’s Time to Pull the Pin
Grace Grenade™ is a word picture. It describes a radical revelation of Grace and Truth so thoroughly explosive it annihilates religious paradigms based upon man’s traditions, requiring a restructuring of your thinking and understanding from the very core. It’s an existential epiphany, a quantum leap, so alarmingly fresh and new, yet in your innermost being, it confirms what you’ve known to be true all along. It provides supernatural ears to hear as you are pulled through a perpetual unlocking of the Source’s Word powered by an insatiable appetite to discuss and celebrate His Grace and Truth with any and everyone who will join in the dance.
If this describes your personal experience, congratulations—your Pin has been Pulled! If not, get excited—we believe you’ve been led to Grace Grenade so your own wonderous, ever-expanding, foundation-shaking, odyssey of unfolding understanding can begin.
We remember well the meeting some of us had in a room on a Sunday afternoon following a Sunday morning worship service. There was collective agreement, “This is the right time. Let’s do this.” With prayer, we began to put together what we needed to launch GraceGrenade.com.
This team is a group of friends. All of us are committed followers of Jesus and we like each other. That holds us together for the hours of meetings and decisions that are required to share ideas.
However, we wouldn’t need this project to plan time together. We would do that anyway. Why has the GraceGrenade.com project galvanized us? The reason is that we have each had an exhilarating encounter with the message of God’s grace. When we saw that God’s grace wasn’t just for sinners, but was His provision for us for a lifetime, it released us from the bondage of legalism, performance-driven Christianity, and fruitless self-effort. Yahweh’s amazing grace became the focus of hours and hours of our discussions. We shared our testimonies with each other and encouraged each other with insights as we read the Bible and sought more understanding of Grace and Truth. We were increasingly convinced that the message that had set us free would also liberate other people. We remain committed to that truth and that’s why we were led to launch GraceGrenade.com.
We don’t claim to have all the answers but only point to Truth with our testimonies.
“Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” (Philippians 3:12 NIV)
Our Mission
Our Mission is to provide a free platform to champion and present content we feel is unequivocally grounded on the Gospel of Grace. We call this varied content Grace Grenades. Our hope is that these grenades will lead people into a new/deeper understanding of God’s Grace as manifested in our Lord Jesus Christ. Our desire is to create a dynamic ever-changing space which compels frequent returns, and to encourage and inspire all who visit. Along the journey, we anticipate discovering and presenting new life-changing grenades from exciting sources around the world.

Grace Grenade: Pull The Pin
A book of grace by Wally Odum
It seemed too simple, too good to be true. How could we have missed this life-changing truth that was always right in front of us? We must be mistaken, or worse, mislead. The only obvious answer was to seek Pastor Wally Odum’s insight. A celebrated teacher and gifted preacher, there wasn’t a Greek participle he couldn’t parse. He would know for sure. Try as we may, we couldn’t find a scriptural flaw to the logic behind this radical teaching—that understanding the unearned, unmerited favor of God provided through Grace was the key to understanding His true heart toward us, emboldening us to achieve more for the Kingdom than we ever could through our own best efforts. Our focus needed to change—from performing the “good Christian life” (and the myriad of self-inflicted definitions, tasks, and burdens assigned to that role) to focusing solely on God’s love for us, manifested through Jesus Christ, and allowing the Holy Spirit to call the shots. All the shots. Understanding it is all about Him and what He has provided through Grace and not what we’ve earned through our diligent efforts to perform and toe the line. This concept was so refreshingly freeing that we felt there must be a catch, a fatal flaw. It couldn’t be this easy, this simple. That’s when we sought Wally Odum’s insight on the presentation of God’s radical, scandalous gift of Grace. If there was a scriptural error, renowned Grace pastor, Wally Odum, would surely discern it and get us back on the right path. Little did we know, this was the very launch of the Grace Grenade odyssey God had planned from the beginning. Turns out, it was all true! We can’t wait for others to join in this explosive revelation. It was in front of our noses the whole time. Come and see.
Troy and Pam Catindig | GG Team